I’m working on an article on the late great William R. (Bill) Edson and his streamer flies, not least his Light- and Dark Tigers. Bill tied a lot of tandem trolling streamers as well. Most of his flies carry the trademark brass eyes.
I feel lucky to have the opportunity to sit with Bill Edson’s personal collection of flies and his own fly books in my hands. It really makes the history come alive.

The flies in these photos are tied by Bill and some of them have been fished hard, it seems. If flies could tell stories, man…I would love to listen. Sadly, they can’t – so that part is up to me.

And that’s exactly what I am doing at the moment; telling stories. First in an article for Scandinavian fly fishing magazine Flugfiske i Norden. Later on the story and the flies will be featured on my blog and on my YouTube channel.

Check out my other posts on Bill Edson and his flies right here: https://michaeljensens.com/angling/?s=bill+edson
And check out the Edson’s Tigers tying videos on YouTube:
Cheers, Michael

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