Today is May the 1st, and in Denmark this is the opening day for pike fishing after the breeding in April. As most everyone else, we are in quarantine. Around here quarantine means to stay home from work, and since I’ve worked from my home the last 4 decades, that’s just business as usual. We are encouraged to go out and do anything outdoor related, as long as we keep some distance to other people – and in a boat on a lake that isn’t much of a challenge. So we don’t need to sit home, if we want to go fishing. We got our prime ministers word for that (or something along that line at least;0)
I definitively will be going out to wet a line in the coming days. Whether you can do the same, or are stuck at home – you might find something useful inspiration in the small compilation of jig- and fly tying videos in this blog – and there is a brand new video out today as well. Hope you will enjoy it all.
Have a nice weekend :0)
Playlist with bucktail and other hair jigs
Playlist with pike and musky flies
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