After a long warm and pretty boring winter, spring finally hit Denmark this last week. And in different tempo, working its way from south to north, the miracle is happening all over the Northern Hemisphere in the coming months.

Just about everywhere in salt- and in freshwater things start happening. Water temperatures are rising and baitfish, shrimps, insect larvae, crayfish and other tasty creatures seek out the sun warmed low water areas. Amphibians enter the water as well. It is a smorgasbord for hungry predators.
So whether you swing a fly-, spinning- or baitcasting rod, now is the time to do it. I have collected a handful of blogs and videos, that might inspire you, to try new techniques, new tackle or tie up a couple of new flies or jigs.

New video today – The Fat Head Rubber Skirt Jig
Fresh of the camera roll, and up on YouTube today: Tying instructions on The Fat Head Rubber Skirt Jig is now available. Watch the brand new video right here:
If you want to see how to turn this jig into a custom spinnerbait, check out this video.
11 hairjigs swimming under water
If you are wondering why you should fish hairjigs, check out this video.
Pike on Bunny hair strip flies
Pike season starts in the coming week around here, and nothing is better for catching post spawn pike, than a slow undulating rabbit strip. In this blog I show the different underwater actions on the fly vs. the jig version. Check out the blog on this link.
More tying videos on my YouTube channel
On my channel you will find tying SBS videos for the fur strip fly and the jig from the post above – as well as 100+ videos on all things angling. Drop by… and remember to subscribe if you haven’t done already.
Lots of inspiration in there already – and new videos are up every week.
Have a nice weekend :0)
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