Being a fly tier and fly fisherman… as well as a spin fisherman – I like to tie and fish hair jigs. They will catch just about any predator swimming in fresh- or saltwater, and they are plain fun to fish. Besides… if you don’t overcomplicate things, they are tied in no time. And… sure… if you wanna go all in on jig tying you can make some pretty cool looking hair jigs.

The classic bucktail jig…
The most simple and basic style is the old reliable bucktail jig. And in my opinion very few jigs has got the flow, glide and life of a true bucktail version. Fishermen have tied this lure for as long as we’ve been fishing. Probably the first were pretty rude examples tied with hair of feathers attached to a hook shaped bone – but there is no need for us to fumble around with that stuff. All you need is a jig hook, a strong tying thread and some bucktail hair – and you are in business.
With a twist
If you want to go a bit further, you might to throw a few fibres of flash into the mix, but they really aren’t needed for clear water conditions. For dark days or stained water conditions they can make a difference though. A little goes a long way in my opinion.
Freak out… or go all-natural :0)
You can also go totally mad, and tie jigs with bell and whistles. You know… rubber legs, 3D eyes, rabbit strips, all kinds of flash and sparkle – or make some pretty accurate imitations of different kinds of baitfish, insects, rodents or amphibians. Actually some of the largest and most heavy pike or bass flies is in effect jigs, and can be cast on a spinning or a baitcasting outfit.
More blogs on Bucktail jigs: https://michaeljensens.com/angling/?s=bucktail+jigs

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