White & Chartreuse Bunny – Fly tying tutorial – Find the pattern down below.
Tying SBS and underwater swimming action on one of the world’s most effective streamer flies – and one of the easiest to tie. Find the pattern down below
Whether you are a new fly tyer or an experienced dude, who just likes spending more time on the water than behind the vise – The Bunny Fly is a great choice for you.
The backside is, that this fly holds on to a lot of water while casting, enough actually, to change your casting weight (fly line, leader and fly) a full AFTM class.
Usually that is not a big problem with versatile streamer rods, and the benefits easily outweigh the disadvantage. So it’s no deal breaker in my opinion.
Sometimes less is more, and this basic version only uses a hook, some tying thread and a rabbit strip. No flash, no eyes and no rubber legs. I tie other much more elaborate versions, with all those add-ons, but the basic Bunny is equally effective in many situations.
Tie a bunch while you’re at it. Being a 2-minute tie, they pile up pretty fast. Try different colors. Every minute at the vise is well spent and will give you the upper hand on the water.
Thanks for watching :0)
Cheers, Ulla and Michael
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White & Chartreuse Bunny
- Hook: Ahrex Light Predator PR351 #2/0 – 4/0
- Thread: Red – https://amzn.to/3yU8eAK
- Tail & Body: Tiger Barred Magnum Rabbit Strip, Black Barred Chartreuse/White – https://amzn.to/3FHx8rc
My Fly Tying Vice: https://amzn.to/3ucRgtR You wanna see the camera gear and microphones I use for making my YouTube videos? Check out my equipment on this link to my blog: https://michaeljensens.com/angling/fi…