Shades of Green – my favorite sea trout fly

Flies that are tied in-the-round like palmers, Woolly Worms, Wooly Buggers and many Baltic sea trout flies has a vibe of simplicity. They are just effective with a workman-like vibe. And I use these flies a lot for saltwater as well as for freshwater fishing. This spring I made a new pattern. It was nothing […]

Snipe & Purple

I like the no nonsense attitude of North Country spider flies. They are stripped to the bone, but still maintain a fabulous grace and style. Classics like Partridge & Orange and the beautiful Snipe & Purple are two of my favorite spiders. On the Snipe & Purple I often use natural blue dun hen hackle […]

Trueblood Shrimp

Today I found myself in need of an uncomplicated scud- or shrimp pattern. Having tied a lot of classic flies lately, I decided to find the pattern for Ted Trueblood’s simple Trueblood Shrimp. All you need for this one is a wet fly hook (I prefer a 2x long version, like Mustad 3906B or substitutes), […]

Experimenting with Amnesia running line

Today I received a package with Sunset Amnesia running line. I’ve been interested in trying that classic flat monofilament out for years, but never really got around to actually ordering the stuff. Well now it’s here, and I have done some lawn casting with different fly rods and shooting heads. I am freaking excited about […]

Back when Fenwick fly rods were the hottest sticks in town

The fly tackle business is a battlefield where every tackle company (just like the mad lab mouse Brainy) is trying to gain world domination. World domination, I guess, should be gained by making the best products and delivering the best service and customer support. But more and more often I get a feeling that the […]

Falling leaves, cool streams and vintage fly tackle

I have a confession to make. I can look through this year’s new, shiny catalogues from just about any fly tackle manufacturer (most of the catalogues are online nowadays) – and I don’t feel hot under the collar… or anywhere else. The newest, lightest and fastest sticks don’t trigger my GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) anymore. […]

Poul Jorgensen and a salmon fly

Last night a good friend gave me a present that made me remember a very special man we both had the pleasure to meet and learn from. The present was a beautiful salmon fly tied by the master of fly tying, the late Poul Jorgensen. It was a Silver Grey Stack-Wing Spey – and, as […]

Sinking fly line and the Booby Fly

The days when fish don’t seem eager to commit suicide (ok… they probably would be released anyway:0) – are the days when you really have to experiment with your fishing techniques. It can be inspiring, frustrating and educating… depending on your mindset on the actual day. Well… I had a pretty frustrating day on the […]

Remember the ABU Optic flies anyone?

Here is one for the squirrel tail theme. Do you remember Callgirl, Streamtease, Pin-up and Playboy. Well if you grew up in the sixties and seventies you probably do. My first rod and reel was a spinning outfit, and at that time spinning tackle didn’t get any better than the products made in Svängsta, Sweden. […]

Psycho Sunset Streamer

This fall I’ve been fishing a large lake with a healthy population of brown trout. Since these trout primarily are predatory, large streamers are the order of the day. I’ve had some success with my Rusty Strip Minnow but wanted a fly with a touch of even more provocative colours. Being a sucker for traditional […]