…and 100.000 views on the most viewed video
Well this last month our Michael Jensen’s Angling YouTube channel passed an important milestone. We reached the 1 million views mark. And about the same time our most viewed video The Yellow Monster Bugger articulated streamer tying SBS passed 100.000 views.
I think this is as good an occasion as any to revisit just that video. Check it out right here.
And whether you are into fly tying and -fishing, jig tying, predator fishing, slinging crankbaits, likes rigging and fishing softbaits and other jigs or are a total streamer junkie, we got lots of stuff for you. As of today 129 videos with two new releases this Friday – and new stuff coming up every week. And most of the videos are followed up on our blog, often going one step deeper with the subjects.
Thanks a lot for your support
Ulla and I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting this blog and our channel by watching our stuff and giving us valuable and encouraging feedback.
I’m not saying we couldn’t have done this without you – but there sure wouldn’t be much point in doing it… if you didn’t drop by and chime in occasionally ;0)
Thanks a lot guys.
Today’s videos
And here are the two new videos. First one on rigging the Carolina Rig. This includes a couple of fishing tips, and some underwater footage.
The second is the our first essential fishing knots video: Today on the Improved Clinch Knot.
Have a nice weekend
Ulla and Michael
You wanna support my blog? Read on!
Affiliate links: Do you want to know more about Affiliate? Read here: https://michaeljensens.com/angling/af…
Support My blog by purchasing things from Amazon through this link (No additional cost for you):https://amzn.to/33uUhXA
You wanna see more of the camera gear and microphones I use for making my YouTube videos? Check out my equipment on this link to my blog: https://michaeljensens.com/angling/film-making-gear/
Joseph Duca
Congrats to both of you! Your channel is the best all around fishing channel, especially for me, as I enjoy all you post and appreciate the great music and photography that you both produce. So THANK YOU!
I may have gotten you a new fan. I had to call my insurance provider about a claim I disagreed with. We settled, and I asked the woman, who had a slight accent , if she was in the US. Turns out she was outsourced and from the Philippines. We chatted for a while about our likes, food, hobbies, state of affairs in our respective countries, General MacArthur*, etc. Well I asked if she had YouTube, and I told her to search your channel, and Joe’s Friend’s Special. She found it and said she would watch it on her break! :o) Hopefully she’ll like, sub, or at least tell a friend.
All the best to you guys, cheers. Joe :o)
Michael Jensen
Thanks Joe. That’s a cool story ’bout your new Phillippine friend. Was she old enough to know anything about General MacArthur? I think you have a fabulous ability to talk with everyone. Good to hear that Joe’s Friend’s Special is getting around. It is actually a pretty popular video on our channel. Thanks for being a great ambassador as well.
All the best, Michael :0)
Joseph Duca
Ha ha, yeah. He’s a hero out there, that’s why I asked. She told me they have a giant statue of him not far from where she lives. Covid is bad there too. She said they have a 10 PM curfew. We now have one too for bars in my state. Yeah it’s fun, great ice breaker. Thanks my friend. have a good one. :o)
Firstly congratulations on your 1 million mark on youtube that’s some achievement to be proud of mike.My personal opinion is what a fantastic youtube channel yours is mike I’m not surprised the channel is absolutely fantastic full of the best tying i have ever seen.That brings me on to your amazing SPY SYSTEM i can’t tell you enough mike just how innovative this system is i only just watched it 5 days ago i was blown away by this incredible system it is so versatile honestly you can’t go wrong with the SPY SYSTEM.I have already tied up four 10 inch versions i have yet to try them out i will be doing that tomorrow i have the rest of the week off from work.I live in the uk i love fishing for predator fish to be honest i love all freshwater fishing mike.May i just say a massive thank you mike to you both for all the hardworking hours you put into the channel especially the film making it’s absolutely tremendous to watch i truly appreciate all your time and effort you put into your channel absolutely amazing to watch.Congratulations to you both.Derek
Michael Jensen
Hi Derek,
Thanks for the kind words my friend. Glad to hear that you like the Spy System. So far Spy Lures have given me the largest pike of the past couple of season, and I look forward to swing some of those for winter pike here in Denmark in the coming months. Great to hear that you make sure, that the UK pike is getting in on the action as well.
Tight lines, Michael :0)
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