A new jig pattern
Back in early spring I came up with a new jig pattern as a present to my wife Ulla. I called it the Blushing Blonde Jig, since, like this lure, Ulla is a blonde (at least at the moment ;0) and the blushing pink part of the design was inspired by her favourite fishing outfit – a Shakespeare Ugly Stik Ladyfish combo with pink markings on the rod and reel.

Just a fun present… but!
The pattern was meant as a fun present, but that pink, purple and white lure soon started outfishing most other lures on the lake. Especially when Ulla used it. So I guess it’s worth showing you guys as well.

It is tied in the reverse bucktail – or hollow tie style of Bob Popovics. Bob use this technique for creating streamer flies with a large profile using a minimum of materials.

Hear the story, see a full tying SBS and watch the Blushing Blonde Jig doing its magic underwater in this film:
Have a nice weekend :0)
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