– A trio of hot flies for winter fishing
Winter trout fishing in my home area, isn’t all bad. In the lakes, there can be a hectic period around ice-out, when the resident brown trout raid the shores chasing baitfish. In the rivers most fishing is on sea run brown, after breeding some of the silver tourists stay in the river, simply because the combination of salt and cold water is more trouble than gain. Often there is plenty of food to be found in the rivers as well, and even seatrout (sea run brown) that doesn’t breed this season, run up the river for these reasons.
In the salt, the action is improving as the temperatures start rising slightly. The trout that already have left the river, are hungry and hunt, even though their metabolism is slow in the cold water.
No matter where I choose to fish this time of year, I have plenty of hot coloured flies in the box. The Mickey Finn bucktail is one of these. A week ago it got me a 5 pounder in one of the small local streams. A beautiful and golden trout in exceptional good condition here at midwinter.
A couple of other favourites for winter fishing are two of the world’s most iconic steelhead flies. The Skykomish Sunrise (tying sbs added to my YouTube Channel a few weeks ago) and the equally beautiful Polar Shrimp, that is today’s brand new video on the channel.
Check them out right here…
Have a nice weekend :0)

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Joseph Duca
No doubt about it, you tie an awesome looking fly, and our respective weather and temps seem to coincide. In fact your Polar Shrimp was VERY close to the color of this mornings sunrise :o) But as the old saying goes, “red skies in the morning, sailors take warning”. No freaking way I’d be in a boat this morning! ;o)
That’s a beautiful “butter” Brown you got on the Mickey Finn! So’s the shore photo, I take it’s sunrise on your coast? Well it’s St. Valentines Day Sunday, my “queen of the castle” gave me a gift – she signed me up for my first Covid vaccine :o) It took about two weeks of on line trying to get it. Hope you two have a great holiday weekend! Stay safe my friend :o)
Michael Jensen
Thanks Joe. Sorry I missed this comment in the first place. Fabulous news, that you are getting the vaccine now. Give the Queen a hug from me. I Denmark we started to distribute the vaccine from New Year, but they tell us, that we will reach summer before everyone has felt the needle two times. Over here it’s part of our social security system – and everyone are offered free vaccine.
You stay safe my friend – from those morning boatrides ;0) and the Covid as well :0)
Cheers, Michael 🙂
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