Mic’s Teardrop Minnow

IMG_8497What most of us do, when we create new streamer style fly types for trout and other fish eating predators, is chasing the teardrop shaped outline of a small fish. The choice makes good sense, since it’s the ultimate aerodynamic or, in this case, hydrodynamic shape. Look at the wings of an airplane, the shape of a submarine, a torpedo – and most common baitfish. Teardrop… all the way.

That was my consideration when designing the Teardrop Minnow. I wanted something that was fast and easy to tie – and with instant teardrop silhouette.

With Natural Sculpin Wool and Woolly Sparkle Dub tied in an adapted hollow tie style, I was able to make a little fat teardrop shaped baitfish imitation. Using basically just these two materials, a pair of 3D eyes, a wide gap sickle style hook and some thread. You can tie 20 of these in an hour, if you want to. And the materials are dirt cheap.

IMG_8483The Teardrop Minnow push a lot of water… making a nice disturbance and vibrations for the predators to detect through their lateral line. It darts and shivers… and the soft wool undulates in a very convincing way.

The fly pictured in this article is a red/white version. Naturally you can tie this fly in any color combination: Provocative hot colors… or natural hues to match the baitfish in your home water.


Find more info, fly patterns and tying- and fishing tips on Woolly Sparkle Dub here…

Watch Woolly Sparkle Dub videos here… 

You can buy Woolly Sparkle Dub right here… 

You can buy Natural Sculpin Wool here… 


You find the materials here….